About Londos

Londos D'Arrigo

Londos D’Arrigo

Londos D’Arrigo is a Canadian born writer who, for over thirty years, has written hard-hitting laughs for comedy icons such as Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin, and Joan Rivers. His wit and humor have appeared in publications such as the International edition of Reader’s Digest and Canada’s national newspaper, The Globe & Mail. Londos gained his initial exposure to worldwide TV audiences writing topical one-liners for Joan Rivers when she guest hosted for Johnny Carson on “The Tonight Show.”

Throughout His Association With Rivers

Londos contributed many of the most frequently quoted lines from her stage act. To provide the comedienne with topical material, Londos accompanied Rivers on 2 tours of Australia and a 17-city tour of Great Britain. His comedic writing was integral to her performances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, her critically acclaimed one-woman show presented in London’s West End and at the famed London Palladium. He co-scripted a one-hour television special, “An Audience With Joan Rivers” which aired on ITV.

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